Tuesday, June 26, 2012

May 2012 Meeting Minutes

May 29, 2012

The board meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, Lance Donatello and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Scott Sowl of Kleanrite Landscaping

Time was given to Scott to discuss some landscape issues.

The minutes from the March and April board meetings were approved as presented.

The financial statement for April was reviewed and approved.

The water line tile on the pool needs to be cleaned.  Steve to get this scheduled as soon as possible.  The kool deck needs a good cleaning also.  The lounge chairs around the pool need to have straps replaced.  Steve t contact the company that last did them to see if they are under warranty and if we can replace only those bad straps.

The board approved having Sonrisa remove the palm tree behind 327 and the eucalyptus tree at 298..  The owners have agreed to pay for ½ the cost.  No replacement trees to be planted in these locations until October.

Steve to contact Kevin with Performance Solar to make sure he is monitoring the readings on the system to ensure all is operating correctly so we can maximize our rebate from SRP.

Lance will check the solar lights at the monument sign so ensure that the lights are functioning properly.

Suzanne discussed the need for help with the architectural guidelines.  She proposed that each board member be responsible for one or two items that need to be in the guidelines.  This would ensure that the guidelines get updated in a timely manner.  Suzanne will take the patio gates.  John will take the garage doors, Brian will take the patio covers and Lace will take front doors and security doors.

Legal Issues

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.  The next meeting will be on June 25, 2012 at 6:00.

Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

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