Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Architectural Standards - Garages

Through the Architectural Standards, the HOA Board is attempting to create a uniform look throughout the community.  Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

1. The doors are to be steel or aluminum.
2. The garage door panels are to be of the recessed type and have no windows.
3. Each group of four homes must have the same number of panels on their garage doors so they match each other. (If there is more than one style, the predominant style must be used).
4. The garage doors are to be painted with the "Acri Hues - Stonish Beige" by Dun Edwards.
5. An Architectural Request Form must be filed with the HOA and approved before a new garage is constructed.

***VERY IMPORTANT -  the stucco pattern MUST match the existing stucco. If there is a distinct difference in the stucco application, you will be required to re-stucco and re-paint until there is very little observable difference.

See the following examples

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