Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2012

The board meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, Lance Donatello  and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Maryanne Bateman.

The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as presented.

The financial statement for October was reviewed and approved.  

The board heard a request from Maryanne about installing a wrought iron fence at her front patio area.  Maryanne asked to submit the written request on the proper form and to review the blog site for architectural guidelines.

Old Business:
The board discussed sending a letter to the owners regarding a number of issues.  Steve to send a draft of the letter to the board prior to mailing out. 

Steve to contact SRP regarding the final reading of the solar water heating system.

Lance was asked to submit the architectural guidelines regarding front doors in a Word format so Suzanne can post it on the blog site..

The visitor parking signs have been removed and lettering put on the parking curbs to designate guest parking areas.  These areas continue to be reserved for guest parking only. 

New Business:
Steve to re-send the bids for tree trimming.  These should be completed before the end of the year.  There are a few trees that will need to be removed.

The Board discussed delinquencies and violations.  Management to take approved measures to correct problems.

Legal Issues

The meeting adjourned at 7:04 PM.  The next meeting will be on January 29, 2013 at 6:00.


Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

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