Wednesday, November 28, 2012

January 2013 HOA Meeting

The next HOA meeting will be held on TUESDAY January 29, 2013 at 6pm at the clubhouse. Residents are invited to attend.

There will be no meeting in December.

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2012

The board meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, Lance Donatello  and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Maryanne Bateman.

The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as presented.

The financial statement for October was reviewed and approved.  

The board heard a request from Maryanne about installing a wrought iron fence at her front patio area.  Maryanne asked to submit the written request on the proper form and to review the blog site for architectural guidelines.

Old Business:
The board discussed sending a letter to the owners regarding a number of issues.  Steve to send a draft of the letter to the board prior to mailing out. 

Steve to contact SRP regarding the final reading of the solar water heating system.

Lance was asked to submit the architectural guidelines regarding front doors in a Word format so Suzanne can post it on the blog site..

The visitor parking signs have been removed and lettering put on the parking curbs to designate guest parking areas.  These areas continue to be reserved for guest parking only. 

New Business:
Steve to re-send the bids for tree trimming.  These should be completed before the end of the year.  There are a few trees that will need to be removed.

The Board discussed delinquencies and violations.  Management to take approved measures to correct problems.

Legal Issues

The meeting adjourned at 7:04 PM.  The next meeting will be on January 29, 2013 at 6:00.


Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

October 2012 Meeting Minutes

October 22, 2012

The board meeting was called to order at 6:07 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Helene Wenz.

The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as presented.

The financial statement for September was reviewed and approved.  

Old Business:
The board discussed sending a letter to the owners regarding a number of issues.  Steve to send a draft of the letter to the board prior to mailing out. 

Steve to check with the pool company to have the aerators turned off and the heat notched up a little.  We need to run the solar system as much as possible.  .

Brian presented the board an update to the architectural guidelines regarding patio covers.  This was approved as presented.  This will be updated on the blog.

The board would like to have the visitor parking signs removed in most locations.  The curbs will be painted to designate those spots as visitor parking areas.

New Business:
The budget for 2013 was approved.

Scott with Kleanrite Landscaping came and discussed some landscaping issues.  The board also asked that the landscapers do a better job of reporting to management when there are problems in the landscaping.  Recently there has been a rash of dog feces in the turf areas and also some diseased cacti.  These items should have been reported so management and the board could take steps to try to remedy the situations.

The Board discussed delinquencies and violations.  Management to take approved measures to correct problems.

Legal Issues

The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.  The next meeting will be on November 26, 2012 at 6:00.


Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

Monday, November 26, 2012

September 2012 Meeting Minutes

September 24, 2012

The board meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, and Lance Donatello.  Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty.

The architectural request for unit 329 was approved.  They will need to have Kleanrite install the tree and shrubs they requested. The architectural request for security door at 271 was also approved.

The minutes from the July board meeting were approved as presented (no meeting in August).

The financial statement for August was reviewed and approved.

Steve to get SRP back out to check the solar heating system for the pool.

The board discussed changes to the architectural requirements.  These last few items will be reviewed at the October meeting and then posted on the blog for the owners.

Paint touch ups at clubhouse where drinking fountain was removed were completed.  The pool furniture has been re-strapped and returned.

Steve to prepare a draft of the 2013 budget for the next meeting.

The board voted not to do the weed control in the turf areas.

The board discussed the visitor parking signs.  Suzanne to get Steve another picture of sign she would like bid on. 

Legal Issues

The meeting adjourned at 6:54 PM.  The next meeting will be on October 22, 2012 at 6:00.


Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

July 2012 Meeting Minutes

July 17, 2012

The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, Lance Donatello and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Scott Sowl of Kleanrite Landscaping

Time was given to Scott to discuss some landscape issues.  Scott discussed possible resolutions to the ponding issue north of the 6350 mailboxes. The board approved his proposal for creating a modified drywell in the area.

The minutes from the June board meeting were approved as presented.

The financial statement for June was reviewed and approved.  The board approved putting funds into CDs at Mutual of Omaha bank.  One CD for $20,000 for one year and another of $20,000 for 6 months.

Steve to get pool furniture repaired ASAP.

Steve to get price for updated pool sign.  Suzanne to send wording for sign.

The board discussed changes to the architectural requirements.  Brian to work on patio covers and Lance to work on wood front doors.  Each to get pictures to be added to guidelines..

Drinking fountain framing has been removed but it still needs to be painted.

Steve hauled off old chair from storage room.

Legal Issues
Collection issues were discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.  The next meeting will be on September 24, 2012 at 6:00.


Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Architectural Standards - Gates and Security Doors

Wood Patio Gates
Wood and Metal Patio Gates
Metal Security Gates
Front Door Security Doors

Through the Architectural Standards, the HOA Board is attempting to create a uniform look throughout the community.  Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

All patio gates, security doors, and security gates MUST be painted "AcriHues - Mesa Tan" by Dun Edwards. Regardless of any existing gates and doors, all gates going forward will be required to be painted "AcriHues - Mesa Tan."

Wood Patio Gates
Must be painted to "AcriHues - Mesa Tan" by Dun Edwards .
The following style wood gates are allowed.


Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

Curved top

Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

Wood and Metal Patio Gates
Must be painted "AcriHues - Mesa Tan" by Dun Edwards.
The entire gate must be painted including the metal portion.

Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

Metal Security Gates
The following styles are pre-approved. See below.
ALL METAL GATES MUST BE PAINTED "AcriHues - Mesa Tan" by Dun Edwards

Decorative wrought iron

Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

Plain metal painted "AcriHues - Mesa Tan" by Dun Edwards

Homeowners must continue to submit an Architectural Request Form for any exterior change visible to neighbors and the public.

Front Door Security Doors
All security doors must be painted in a "baked on color" that is as close as possible to "AcriHues - Mesa Tan" by Dun Edwards

Lowe's has an option for a front door security door in an almond color:
Gatehouse Gibraltar Almond Steel Security Door (Common: 36-in x 81-in; Actual: 39-in x 81.75-in)
(Doorknob and deadbolt not included) *as of this posting total cost of the door ~ $109 plus installation (~ approx $300)