Wednesday, May 28, 2014

March 2014 Meeting Minutes

March 24, 2014

The board meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.  Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, Melissa Heise, Lance Donatello, Brian Weimer, and John Frigo.   Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Scott Sowl of Kleanrite Landscaping.

The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as presented.

The financial statement for February was reviewed and approved.

Time was given to Scott to discuss landscaping issues.

Old Business:
Coral Pools should be starting spa renovations next week..

Steve to get a bid to remove the palm tree at 298.

The board approved getting the RDA report updated.  Steve to ask them to put in an update every 7 years as part of the capital expenses.  

New Business:
The board looked at seal coat bids and decided to wait on this until 2015 as that is when it is projected to be completed in the RDA report.

The annual meeting will be in April.

Steve to contact Matt Wirth about dog pooh clean up.

Steve to get bid to lift the pool fence and paint it.

The bid from Sonrisa Tree Service was approved.

The Board discussed delinquencies and violations.  Management to take approved measures to correct problems.

Legal Issues

The meeting adjourned at 7:22 PM. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on April 28.

Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,

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