March 28, 2011
The board meeting was called to order at 6:17 PM. Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, John Frigo, and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Scott Sowl of Kleanrite Landscaping.
The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as presented.
The financial statement for February was reviewed and approved.
The above listed board members had met at 5 PM to walk the grounds with the landscaper and manager to review what areas still needed improvements or converted to xeriscape. Scott will draw up a plan and Suzanne will present it to the owners at the upcoming annual meeting.
Old Business:
The annual meeting will be held on April 25 at the clubhouse. Suzanne will draft a letter to be sent to the owners regarding the landscape projects and a possible special assessment to complete the landscaping modifications in 2012. There will be one open slot on the ballot. Steve to ask for volunteers from the community. The board would like to get someone who can bring some positive energy to the board and who can work well with the board to complete the upcoming projects and who might have some technical abilities.
Tree Doctors will be trimming some citrus and other trees that need to be cut before the heat of the summer. Steve to verify Tree Doctor’s schedule.
New Business:
Steve to get a bid for replacing some of the extruded curbing at the guest parking areas with poured in place curbing with re-bar that might hold up better when bumped by cars. Steve to have a contractor call Suzanne about getting a bid for the remodeling of the clubhouse. The board would also like to get an idea of the cost of repairing or replacing damaged driveways.
The Board discussed delinquencies and violations. Management to take approved measures to correct problems.
Legal Issues
The meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM. The next meeting will be on April 25, 2011 at 6:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA,
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