KFM Striping & Curb dba Asphalt Technologies is scheduled to begin a series of pavement maintenance and repairs at The Colony. This letter is to advise you on how to treat the areas that are being worked on.
See letter at each unit - dates vary from Monday March 21st through Thursday March 24, 2011.
Please stay off areas that have been barricaded. Barricaded areas are the areas in which work is to be done or has been done, but is not yet ready for the public or private use.
Please do not remove or move any barricades in any area. Barricades are placed for safety reasons; they are there for your safety, your cars and our crew members. Moving barricades is not only dangerous to you, but also to your personal property and others.
Seal Coat is an oil emulsion material that takes a minimum of 24 hours to dry. Please do not walk or drive on these areas until the barricades have been removed. This material tracks onto sidewalks, drive ways and carpets if you do not allow it to fully dry. Also all irrigation systems must be turned off 24 hours before work begins and for 24 hours after completion of work. It must be applied to a clean (swept or blown) dry area and left to dry for a minimum of 24 hours. If barricades are present please avoid coming into contact with this material.
Striping is the last phase of this project. When the striping is complete, the barricades will be removed and the parking lot ready for use at this time.
Again if barricades remain up please avoid the area.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns; please feel free to call us. We will try to answer any of your questions to the best of our ability.
KFM Striping & Curb, Inc.
Dba Asphalt Technologies