Sunday, August 20, 2017

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations
Dear Scottsdale Colony Owners and Residents:
This booklet is published by the Scottsdale Colony Board of Directors to acquaint you with the current policies in effect at the Scottsdale Colony. These rules are for your protection and benefit. A few minutes spent reading them will be well worth your while.
Patio home living is a new concept for many people, and to be happy and a good neighbor, the "Golden Rule" is still the best rule to follow. When you move in to the Colony, you accept the responsibility to not only live by the Colony's rules, but also to uphold them. Each member of our community is a vital part of the system.
Along with this responsibility, each resident must exercise a large measure of cooperation. We share so many things in the community that we must consider the other members when we do or plan to do things. 
The Board of Directors has regular meetings each month. Homeowners are invited to attend and bring their suggestions and complaints. Your ideas' and needs will aid the Board in forming policies in the best interests of all residents in the future. Call the Management Co. for day and time.
Board of Directors
Scottsdale Colony Homeowners' Association
Be sure and check out the HOA Blog at:

The Board of Directors is composed of seven members, elected at the annual meeting of the owners. The purpose of the Board is to function as a central authority and final court for the members of the Association.
Meetings of the Board of Directors - The Board of Directors has regular meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the clubhouse. Owners are invited to attend.
Voting Rights - Each owner shall be entitled to one vote for each lot owned. If unable to attend the meeting, an owner may send his proxy to the President or a representative who may vote it for him. In the event that the owner is in the
arrears in payment of any monies due the association for a period of 30 days or more, that owner's right to vote shall be suspended until all payments are brought current.
Heywood Management is our management company. The address and phone number are:
Heywood Management
42 S Hamilton Place #101
Gilbert, AZ 85233
480-820-1519 ** 480-820-1722 (Fax) or
If you have questions concerning the Scottsdale Colony, call or email Heywood Management. There is no resident manager at the Scottsdale Colony. All requests for service, maintenance or repairs to the common areas should be directed to Heywood Management which maintains a 24-hour voice mail or answering service.
Maintenance Fees - The maintenance fee at the Colony is currently $167.00 per month per unit. This payment is due in full on the first day of each month. A late charge of $15.00 will be assessed any payment not received at the management company's office by the 30th day of the month. Payments should be mailed seven to ten days in advance of that date to ensure timely delivery. The management company is not responsible for the time it takes the mail to be
delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Checks or money orders should be made payable to: Scottsdale Colony HOA.

The check or money order must include your unit number to facilitate proper credit. Maintenance fees are mailed directly to the bank when using your coupons. You may also pay directly through your bank or Mutual of Omaha. Contact accounting at for additional information for on line bill pay.
Liens and Judgements - Homeowners more than sixty days in arrears of maintenance payments may become subject to legal proceedings. (See CC&R’s Article 4, Section 1, page 5; Article 5.)
Water and Electricity - Each unit at the Colony is billed individually by the City of Scottsdale for water and trash pickup. Each unit is billed individually by the Salt River Project for electricity. The Association pays for all water used in the pool and common areas and for the electricity used in these areas.
Exterior Changes - The Scottsdale Colony Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restriction (CC&R’s) is quite specific about exterior changes, No exterior changes or additions of any kind may be made without the prior approval of the Board. All proposed exterior changes must be submitted to the Board of Directors. The purpose of this rule is to maintain the architectural integrity of the complex, and if exterior change violations are noted by the Board of Directors, the Board will request that they be remedied. (See CC&R’s Article 6; Article 7, Section 4.)
Houses For Sale or For Rent - "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs are the only signs permitted in the common area. They may be no larger than three square feet and must be placed in the shrubs at the front of the unit being sold or rented, and not in the yard where they would be in the way of mowers and/or may be a hazard to anyone walking across the yard. Only one exterior sign is permitted for each unit that is being advertised, plus one sign in the window. Any signs in excess of these two will be removed by property management at the request of the Board of Directors. Signs are not permitted along 78th Street, All signs must be in
windows or common areas not facing 78th Street.
Renters - Renters, owners and all guests are expected to observe all policies governing living at the Scottsdale Colony. It is suggested that a statement of this nature be included in the renters' lease. Landlords are required to notify the Board or the management company when renters change in order to keep all up-to-date roster of residents, and thereby assist in maintaining grounds security. An Owner leasing their Condominium is responsible for all the actions of their Tenants. Any lease agreement shall be in writing, for a duration of no less than thirty (30) days and for the full unit.

Pets - Residents are urged to walk their pets off the premises. Should pets defecate on the grounds at the Colony, the owner is responsible for cleaning up the mess immediately. The "leash law" is in effect in Scottsdale and also here at the Colony. A dog or cat is not allowed to roam free, regardless of the time of day or night. Rabies Control will pick up stray animals when given notice. The number to call is (602) 269-3491. The Board of Directors has authorized a fine of $250 to match that imposed by code from the City of Scottsdale for infractions of the leash law and/or not cleaning up after your pet. This fine will be imposed
on the owner of the unit that is responsible for the pet violation.
Parking Spaces - Do not park in carports other than your own without first getting permission from your neighbor. Boats, campers and commercial vehicles may be parked only in your carport so long as they are fully contained in the carport space. The extra parking spaces are for guests on a 24:hour basis. Vehicles blocking drives, left indefinitely in "extra" parking spaces, or otherwise parked illegally, will be towed without notice at the Owners expense. All
vehicles must have current license plates and registration.
“Wheels”(motorcycles, bicycles, skates, skateboards, roller blades, etc.) - no motorcycles or bicycles are to be ridden on the grassy areas or the tennis court. No roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, etc. are allowed in the pool area or on the tennis court.
Carport Area ~ The carport area should be clean of excess clutter. There is no storage allowed in the carport.
Trash Pickup - Pickup for trash and garbage is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (expect holidays - pickup days may be amended from time to time by the City of Scottsdale). Appropriate animal and wind resistant containers should be used. No trash should be put out prior to sunset on Sundays and Wednesdays, and the empty containers should be brought in as soon as possible after the pickup.
Mischievous Acts/Vandalism - Mischievous acts and vandalism cost each resident money. Repairs for damage must come from the Association funds. Any persons observed damaging property at the Scottsdale Colony will be billed for expenses to cover repairs or replacement. All residents are requested to report mischievous acts to the Scottsdale Police and/or the management company promptly.
Scottsdale Police: (480) 946-6511
Heywood Management (480) 820~1519
Clubhouse and Pool Rules - The following rules and regulations have been set up for your protection and to protect the recreational facilities themselves.
1. The gate to the pool area must be kept locked at all times. One of the reasons          for this is the city ordinances which require us to provide protection for                  small children.                                   4


2. No pets are allowed in the pool area. This is a health department ordinance.


 3. No glass containers will be allowed in the pool area. Cigarettes should be                placed in the propel' receptacles.


 4. There shall be no running, undue splashing, "horseplay," spitting or obscene           language allowed.


5. No cutoff pants are allowed in the pool. Swim suit attire is required.


6. Pool area will close at 11:00 p.m. - NO EXCEPTIONS When using the pool              area, please respect your neighbor's rights by keeping the noise to a                         minimum.


7. No bicycles, tricycles, skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, etc. are allowed         in the pool area.


8. No intoxicated person, or any person having an infectious disease is allowed          in the pool area.


9. The pool is to be used by residents and guests of residents only. Ineligible,               nonconforming or undesirable persons will be excluded.


10. The pool may not be reserved for private parties except by the Association as          a whole. Only the clubhouse can be reserved for private parties and this is              done by contacting the management company at least ten days in advance.             Contact the management company for further information.


11. The doors to the restrooms, showers and saunas must be kept locked at all              times to prevent vandalism.


12. Please clean up after yourself and your guests in the pool area.


13. Before using the jacuzzi, please read the rules which are attached to the                 fence. Each Purchaser, regardless of how they acquire title to their                           Scottsdale Colony property, shall pay to the Association immediately upon               becoming an Owner of a Lot a transfer fee in the amount set from time to

      time by the Board of Directors to compensate the Association for the                        administrative cost resulting from the transfer of a Lot. The transfer fee is                not intended to compensate the Association for costs incurred in the                       preparation of the statement which the Association is required to deliver to             a purchaser under ARS § 33-1806A and, therefore, the transfer fee shall be            in addition to the fee which the Association is entitled to charge pursuant to           ARS § 33-1806C.


Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Scottsdale Colony on January 23, 2012.



Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 24, 2017 Minutes

Monday July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017

Board meeting was called to order at 6:14 PM. Board members attending: Melissa Heise, Pat Clark, John Frigo, and Brian Weimer.   Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Management and Scott Sowl Kleanrite Landscaping

The financial statements and minutes for April were reviewed and approved.

Homeowner Request/Comments:

  1. Architectural Requests: none
  2. New Owners: none
  3. Review and approval of minutes of the last meeting: approved
  4. Review and approval for financial statements: approved

Old Business:

  1. Landscape Items
  2. Clubhouse Renovations – 2 contractors in consideration; looking into further options
  3. Foam roof coatings up onto walls
  4. Tennis court repairs/replacement

New Business:

  1. Painting of exteriors
  2. Sidewalk repair

Adjournment of Owners in Attendance

Executive Session

  1. Legal Issues:
  2. Collection Activity:

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. The next meeting will be our meeting on September 25, 2017 @

6 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Scottsdale Colony HOA

Friday, June 30, 2017

June 26 Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 26, 2017, 2017

June 26, 2017

Board meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM. Board members attending: Melissa Heise, Pat Clark, and John Frigo.   Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Management

The financial statements and minutes for April were reviewed and approved.

Homeowner Request/Comments:

  1. Architectural Requests
  2. New Owners: 285 Anna Stazio; 263 Alex Arteaga
  3. Review and approval of minutes of the last meeting

Old Business:

  1. Landscape Items
  2. Clubhouse Renovations – 2 contractors in consideration; looking into further options
  3. Foam roof coatings up onto walls
  4. Tennis court repairs/replacement

New Business:

  1. Painting of exteriors
  2. Motioned and approved to move forward with adding an addendum the rules for 30 day leases on units

Adjournment of Owners in Attendance

Executive Session

  1. Legal Issues:
  2. Collection Activity:

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. The next meeting will be our meeting on July 24, 2017 @

6 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Scottsdale Colony HOA

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 Annual Meeting

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017

Annual board meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM. Board members attending: Melissa Heise, Brian Weimer, and John Frigo.   Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Management

The minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.

The treasurer’s report was reviewed with the owners in attendance.

  1. Owner sign-in
  2. Introduction of Homeowners
  3. Review of last year’s minutes: Motioned by Dian K #236, Seconded by John Frigo
  4. Treasurer’s Report and discussion of reserves: Motioned Pat Clark, Seconded by Brian W.
  5. President’s Report:
    1. Bulk of driveways with safety hazards were fixed in 2016
    2. Landscaping; removal of dead trees and plants
    3. 2017-2018; Repave and fix cracks in Tennis Court; Club House Renovation; Painting on the horizon
  6. Homeowner Questions:
    1. Air-BNB; vacation rentals: some homeowners have had issues with disrespectful renters
    2. #311 has 4 neglected bushes west of their unit
    3. #274 wants to have bushes left to grow and trimmed once a season, says the bushes are ankle-high and cut too often
    4. #261 requested bushes planted that could grow and has yet to see those
    5. Suggestion to have plants or flowers planted around the 6270 and 6350 signs
    6. Keys not working well with pool and canal gate; suggestion to have it graphite/cleaned
    7. Homeowners can find  current regulations on patio covers on blog/website
    8. Parking in front of mailboxes to be limited to 15 minute parking zones
    9. Pool was reported as green 2 weeks prior and wasn’t told when to expect pool to be treated. Winter 2x a week, Summer 3x a week pool cleaned
    10. Lamp at 6350 mailboxes is burned out and has for sometime
  7. Election of New Directors; Elected to the board of directors: Melissa Heise
    1. Pat Clark has
  8. Adjournment: #311 Motioned for adjournment, Brian Weimer 7PM
    Board Members’ Meeting

  1. John F. Motioned Pat Clark to the board as President Brian W. Seconded
  2. Review Tennis Court Bids
  3. Review Club House Bids


The Board discussed delinquencies and violations. Management also discussed what needs to take place so the approved measures to correct problems.


Legal Issues:

Meeting adjourned
at 7:37 PM. The next meeting will be our Annual meeting on May 22, 2017 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Scottsdale Colony HOA