Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 Annual Meeting

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017

Annual board meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM. Board members attending: Melissa Heise, Brian Weimer, and John Frigo.   Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Management

The minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.

The treasurer’s report was reviewed with the owners in attendance.

  1. Owner sign-in
  2. Introduction of Homeowners
  3. Review of last year’s minutes: Motioned by Dian K #236, Seconded by John Frigo
  4. Treasurer’s Report and discussion of reserves: Motioned Pat Clark, Seconded by Brian W.
  5. President’s Report:
    1. Bulk of driveways with safety hazards were fixed in 2016
    2. Landscaping; removal of dead trees and plants
    3. 2017-2018; Repave and fix cracks in Tennis Court; Club House Renovation; Painting on the horizon
  6. Homeowner Questions:
    1. Air-BNB; vacation rentals: some homeowners have had issues with disrespectful renters
    2. #311 has 4 neglected bushes west of their unit
    3. #274 wants to have bushes left to grow and trimmed once a season, says the bushes are ankle-high and cut too often
    4. #261 requested bushes planted that could grow and has yet to see those
    5. Suggestion to have plants or flowers planted around the 6270 and 6350 signs
    6. Keys not working well with pool and canal gate; suggestion to have it graphite/cleaned
    7. Homeowners can find  current regulations on patio covers on blog/website
    8. Parking in front of mailboxes to be limited to 15 minute parking zones
    9. Pool was reported as green 2 weeks prior and wasn’t told when to expect pool to be treated. Winter 2x a week, Summer 3x a week pool cleaned
    10. Lamp at 6350 mailboxes is burned out and has for sometime
  7. Election of New Directors; Elected to the board of directors: Melissa Heise
    1. Pat Clark has
  8. Adjournment: #311 Motioned for adjournment, Brian Weimer 7PM
    Board Members’ Meeting

  1. John F. Motioned Pat Clark to the board as President Brian W. Seconded
  2. Review Tennis Court Bids
  3. Review Club House Bids


The Board discussed delinquencies and violations. Management also discussed what needs to take place so the approved measures to correct problems.


Legal Issues:

Meeting adjourned
at 7:37 PM. The next meeting will be our Annual meeting on May 22, 2017 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Scottsdale Colony HOA