The board meeting was called to order at 6:03 P.M. Board members attending were: Suzanne Muusers, Lance Donatello, Brian Weimer, Melissa Heise and John Frigo. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty. It was determined that a quorum was present or represented via absentee ballot.
The minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed with the owners in attendance.
Suzanne presented the President’s Report:
2013 and 2014 Year to Date Accomplishments
- Spa: a great deal of work has been done to the spa due to multiple leaks and issues. The spa was due for maintenance next year according to the reserve analysis.
- Reserves: we now have 3 CDs of $20,000
- New Pool Bathroom Doors
Goals for 2014/2015/2016
- 2014 - Update Reserve Study of 2006 to see where we are - Continue to increase reserves.
- 2014 - Tree Maintenance
- 2014/2015 - Concrete Driveways. The condition of the concrete driveways in front of each of the four pod homes (22 in all) will need to be repaired due to settlement of the earth below. The cracks in the concrete will worsen over time and could be a hazard. We will be repairing concrete driveways in the next 5 years. We will start with the driveways that are in the poorest condition.
- 2015 - Irrigation Controllers - replace/repair.
- 2015 - Streets. Seal and repair streets
- 2015 - Clubhouse Maintenance. The Reserve Study cites 2015 as the year in which clubhouse maintenance should be done. The clubhouse is dated and will need: appliances, counter tops, cabinets, flooring, windows, and doors, among other things. The clubhouse door leading to the pool area will be brought up to code
- 2016 - Tennis court resurface.
Owner discussion included topics: driveways, clubhouse renovations, heat the pool, solar power, street repairs and another survey.
Elected to the board of directors: Melissa Heise.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.