Meeting minutes, meeting times, and news for residents of the Scottsdale Colony
Thursday, December 10, 2009
December 2009 HOA Meeting
November 2009 Meeting Minutes
NOVEMBER 23, 2009
The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. Board members attending were: Suzanne Muusers, Lance Donatello and Guillermo Nevarez. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty.
Homeowners requests/comments:
1. Architectural Request: None
2. New move-ins: None
Review an approval of minutes last meeting:
The minutes from the October 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved by the board members. The minutes were mailed to all homeowners and the minutes were published in the community’s webpage.
Homeowners are hereby notified that the community now has a website. The website address is The board is now publishing the monthly meeting minutes in our community’s web page. As a result, effective January 1, 2010 the minutes of each association meeting will no longer be mailed to each homeowner unless a paper copy is requested from Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty. The phone number to call is (480) 820 1519.
Monthly financial statements:
A) The financial statements for October 2009 were reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
A) The board discussed the status of the repairs of the outside structure of numerous units throughout the community. The board will enforce a strict fine policy for those units that continue to be out of compliance despite the numerous communications sent by Heywood Realty. Those units that have not corrected their deficiencies as of 12/31/2009 will be subject to fines and legal action until such deficiencies are corrected.
B) A special meeting will be scheduled February 22, 2010 at 6:00 PM where all homeowners will vote on the special assessment proposed for the asphalt repairs of the 6270 area and the ongoing landscape improvements throughout the community.
C) The community’s Rental Policy project has been placed on hold until further notice.
D) The architectural standards procedure continues to be under construction. Suzanne who is working on this project will be collecting pictures of colors and materials of the different areas relating to a unit, which will provide a clear view of what is acceptable when turning in an architectural request. Once the Architectural Standards are completed the document will be published in the community’s blog.
E) The board discussed in depth the ongoing problem of the community’s visitors parking being utilized by homeowners and tenants. Letters will be sent to the units who are at present violating this policy.
F) The solar heating of the pool project has been placed on hold until SRP publishes its new guidelines in January 2010.
G) Lance Donatello and Suzanne Muusers will meet with Kleanrite representatives (our community’s landscape services provider) to request and obtain a few design ideas regarding the areas which are next to be improved in the community. The City of Scottsdale will reimburse our community 25% of the total cost of any landscape conversion projects, which the board will fully apply for once the projects are completed. The application requires that the board representative Suzanne Muusers attend a workshop, file an application for the grant, provide proof that three (3) bids at least were obtained from potential vendors to complete the project, and proof and pictures that the landscape conversion project was completed.
New Business:
A) It has been discovered that four of the lounging chairs, which were purchased in the past two year for the pool area have been stolen. Any homeowner that might have any information about this despicable act is asked to contact Steve Cheff at Heywood Realty. Furthermore, all homeowners are encouraged to report any suspicious activity noticed in the community by contacting the police directly.
B) The approved budget was sent to all homeowners in the community.
C) The board approved the increase of the community’s monthly association fee from $134 to $138 starting January 1, 2010. Steve Cheff from Heywood realty will send a notification to all homeowners of this increase via U.S. mail.
Legal Issues:
A) The board reviewed the communication from the community’s attorney indicating that legal rates will be increased effective 2010.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 P.M. The next meeting will be on December 28, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. at the clubhouse.
Friday, November 13, 2009
November 2009 HOA Meeting
October 2009 Meeting Minutes
OCTOBER 28, 2009
The board meeting was called to order at 6:08 P.M. Board members attending were: Suzanne Muusers, Helene Wentz , Lance Donatello, Brian Weimer and Guillermo Nevarez. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty.
Homeowners requests/comments:
1. Architectural Request: The homeowner of unit no. 254 attended the meeting and presented the board with a request for some exterior home improvements.
2. The board received a presentation from Scott the manager of Kleanrite our community’s landscaping company. Scott explained that in the last couple of months plants throughout the community were replaced as a result of the harsh summer; a number of sprinkler issues have been addressed and the community’s general grounds continue to be maintained accordingly.
3. The board reviewed a proposal from Tree Doctors North to trim approximately 95 pine trees throughout our community. This trimming is necessary to avoid losing trees during our harsh summer months. Tree Doctors North conducted a thorough inspection of each one of these trees and commented within the proposal on the exact treatment and length of trim for each tree.
4. The board discussed the number and the status of empty units in our community.
Review an approval of minutes last meeting:
The minutes from the September 28, 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved by the board members. The minutes were mailed to all homeowners and the minutes were published in the community’s webpage.
Homeowners are hereby notified that the community now has a website. The website address is The board is now publishing the monthly meeting minutes in our community’s web page. As a result, effective January 1, 2010 the minutes of each association meeting will no longer be mailed to each homeowner unless a paper copy is requested from Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty. The phone number to call is (480) 820 1519.
The Board wishes to thank Jessica Fergusson, a homeowner in our community, for her help in getting us up and running with our new website.
Monthly financial statements:
A) The financial statements for September 2009 were reviewed and approved.
B) The budget for the 2010 year was reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
A) The board discussed the status of the asphalt repair project. The asphalt repair project is targeted for initiation and completion during the second quarter of 2010 and it will require a special assessment.
B) The community’s Rental Policy project has been placed on hold until further notice.
C) The architectural standards procedure continues to be under construction.
D) The board discussed in depth the ongoing problem of the community’s visitors parking being utilized by homeowners and tenants. The board concluded that homeowners parking their vehicles in the visitor parking areas will be addressed via letter individually. Homeowners are encouraged to continue to park their vehicles in their corresponding garages or carports. If necessary, a homeowner may park an additional vehicle in the parking area in front of the mailboxes. The parking area in front of the mail boxes although available to homeowners to park a moving vehicle is not to be considered a storage parking area. The allowed (although not encouraged) period for unmoving vehicle to be parked in the area in front of the mail boxes is 45 days. If a homeowner needs to park a vehicle in front of the mail boxes area for a period longer than this needs to notify Steve Cheff at Heywood Realty.
E) At a later date, the Board will ask for homeowners to step forward and form a Block Watch Committee for our community.
New Business:
A) It has been discovered that four of the lounging chairs, which were purchased in the past two years for the pool area have been stolen. Any homeowner that might have any information about this despicable act is asked to contact Steve Cheff at Heywood Realty. Furthermore, all homeowners are encouraged to report any suspicious activity noticed in the community by contacting the police directly. Scottsdale Policy non-emergency phone number: (480) 312-5000
B) The board reviewed and approved the investment in a solar heater for the pool area. This project will allow an additional 4 months of pool usage during the year.
C) The board reviewed the projects targeted for the 2010 year. The projects to complete are 1) the asphalt road repaving for the 6270 area, 2) the solar pool heater, 3) the landscaping improvements for the 6270 east area and the 6350 path to the pool area. Due to the limited reserves and that only a portion of the of the total project cost may be funded from reserves, the Board estimated the necessity of calling to vote for a special assessment in order to fully fund the above projects. The financial summary of the 2010 Plan for community improvements is below:
$25,000 6270 road asphalt repaving
$ 6,700 Solar pool heater
$10,000 Landscaping conversion (6270 east area and 6350 path to pool area)
$41,700 Total.
Of this total $15,000 will be funded out of reserves and the additional $26,700 will be funded through a special assessment of $300 per unit. This special assessment will be voted on by homeowners during a special meeting which the Board will schedule and call to order at a future date. At this time, the special assessment is planned to be paid by each homeowner either in full or through three $100 monthly installments.
Legal Issues:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. The next meeting will be on November 23, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. at the clubhouse.
Monday, October 5, 2009
September 2009 Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2009
The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Board members attending: Suzanne Muusers, Lance Donatello, and Brian Weimer. Also attending: Steve Cheff of Heywood Realty and Bruce Adams.
Bruce had some concerns regarding the landscaping in his area. Steve explained that there was an issue with power surges burning up the sprinkler control box that regulates the irrigation in that area. All plants that died will be replaced and those that are struggling will be monitored. There was a surge protection device installed at the irrigation control box to protect it from getting burned out. Bruce also raised the question about getting some touch up paint. The board wants all owners to know that they can get touch up paint at the next meeting if they will bring their own containers for it. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 6 PM at the clubhouse.
Time was turned over to Kevin of Performance Solar. He gave the board a presentation regarding solar heating of the pool. He spoke of the benefits of solar heating and how 70% of the overall cost can be recouped through incentives from SRP and state tax credits. The board will review installation of solar heating at the board of directors meeting on October 28th.
The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as presented.
The financial statement for August was reviewed. Steve to check into the payment to Heywood for December management fee.
Old Business:
As the meeting was running late due to the solar heating presentation, many of the agenda items were tabled to be discussed at the next HOA meeting. Suzanne continues to work on an Architectural Standards program for the HOA. Steve will have more asphalt bids for the next meeting.
New Business:
The board decided to postpone the Neighborhood Watch meeting in October due to lack of participation from the members of the community. As per the City of Scottsdale, the board is not allowed to run the program for the HOA so others need to take charge of getting the program up and running for Scottsdale Colony.
The board discussed and voted on an HOA fee increase to begin January 2010. New fee will be $138 per month. Notices to be sent to all owners by December 1.
Steve to have the tree company remove a couple of dead trees on the property. Any owners with dead trees on their property must have those removed on their own.
At the October board of directors meeting there will be discussion regarding the upcoming special assessment for the asphalt project.
The Board discussed delinquencies and violations. Management to take approved measures to correct problems.
Legal Issues
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 28 at
6:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Scottsdale Colony HOA